About Shristi Tour & Travel At Shristitourandtravel, we believe that travel is not just about visiting a destination, but it’s about experiencing it.

All chauffeurs are regularly trained in Driving skills, manners, etiquettes , discipline , punctuality , being humble and are specifically given training on safety aspects (Safe driving techniques ). All are professional , well aware of most of the routes and places of interest.
All Chauffeurs can understand and communicate in English, always in uniform with working mobile phones.
All the chauffeurs are having valid driving licenses, tourist badges and all are verified by the appropriate police departments.
All the vehicles are commercial registered and insured comprehensively for passengers, chauffeurs and third party claims.
All our vehicles are in excellent condition , and maintained by their respective manufacturers /dealerships.
Mineral Water, Newspaper, first aid box, tissue box and fire extinguisher are standard feature in all our vehicles.
All the vehicles are fitted with GPRS tracking system. We can provide the route plan of most of the vehicles on request.
Personal relationship Manager will be there to take care of all emergencies and assistance.
Our office is open 24X7 and there are always minimum two senior executive to respond to all reservations related queries and emergencies.
Chauffeurs are specifically briefed at the time of leaving the office for every service
All the office staff is given regular training in order to increase the efficiency, leadership qualities, punctuality, discipline , manners and etiquettes.
Special care is taken that the chauffeurs gets sufficient rest before departing for duty.
We have got expertise in the execution of conferences and delegations where there is large volume of transportation is required.

Book Your Cab Now!

Give us a call at +91 9999344582 Or, leave a message if you have a question: